Sunday, 1 January 2012

Hogs of war - painted Razorgor

Happy new year everybody! My new year resolution is to paint more so I'm going to try and keep up with it all!

Well, I start as I mean to go on - I painted a razorgor! Pretty pleased with it. However - none of you noticed my deliberate mistake that I put my previous razorgors on 40x40mm instead of 50x50mm. He needs a few bits of touching up here and there - his little skull needs painting and I'm thinking about giving his fur another drybrush of skull white, but other than that he just needs basing.

I used tallarn flesh neat to give him some darker pigmentation on his mouth and snout, but without it being too dark. He looks pretty good I think!

I still think the 50x50m base is a bit excessive in size for the model, but thats what the stock models come on so that's what he's mounted on. Rules = rules.

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