I'm not going to lie. Dreadstone blight was a ballache to make. The walls were warped, didn't fit the base and the wooded floors had nothing to purchase on to form a solid, firm bond to the walls.
In the end, I broke the componants down into two sets of parts. I built a stripped down blightstone, with just a single floor. I decided that one floor would be plenty for gaming with and making it larger would only add to my misery of making it. With the rest I made another piece of terrain, a single floored wall.
In the end, I broke the componants down into two sets of parts. I built a stripped down blightstone, with just a single floor. I decided that one floor would be plenty for gaming with and making it larger would only add to my misery of making it. With the rest I made another piece of terrain, a single floored wall.

The inscrption on the death scrolls is "mann gegen mann". It's german and roughly translates "man verses man". As my board will be chaotic I think its fitting.

All this terrain was built and mostly painted in two evenings - that's really quick for me!
So...what to paint next...
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